How to choose the angle of the tool

Let us talk about the choice of tool angle during the machining process;

In principle,
1. When the workpiece is roughing, it is mainly the speed and efficiency of its processing, so it has to

The cutting force required will be relatively large, so the strength of the tool is required to be relatively high;

2. When the workpiece is finished, it is mainly because it has higher precision when processing, and it is

At this time, the cutting force requirement is relatively small, but at the same time it has sharpness on its edge.

There will be great requirements in order to ensure the quality of the processing;

To sum up these two aspects, the experience we have summarized is:

1. Roughing: The front and rear corners of the tool are required to be small, but the required strength is high;

2. Finishing: The front and rear corners of the tool are required to be large, but the tool is required to be sharper;

3. The main declination: the car step axis takes 90 degrees, and the outer circle of the car and the end face of the car take 45 degrees;

4. Vice declination: reduce the surface roughness, generally 5-15 degrees;

5. Blade inclination: The finishing process takes a positive value, and the roughing takes a negative value;